ITV presenter’s wife diagnosed with brain tumour weeks after giving birth

ITV presenter Dan Salisbury-Jones has disclosed that his wife has been diagnosed with a rare and incurable brain tumour. The broadcaster shared that the heartbreaking news came shortly after Liz gave birth to their first child, Reuben, and the couple purchased a house.

‘Life was very good back in 2022. Liz had given birth to our first baby, I’d got this exciting new job in the Midlands and we had found a house that was to become our family home,’ he said. Dan ‘had an odd sense that all was going too well,’ and Liz suffered a ‘petrifying’ seizure as they were packing at the end of a trip to visit family in Teesside last December.

‘My wife was just looking through me like there was nothing there. I really wish I knew that was normal because at the time I thought the worst,’ he recalled. ‘Eventually, she started recognising people and rediscovering her memory as we made our way to the hospital.’

A CT scan revealed a mass on her brain, with doctors telling the couple it was ‘either an infection or a tumour.’ Dan added in his release via The Brain Tumour Charity: ‘She was admitted and put on a drip for several days, spending Christmas on a general/diabetic ward at a hospital with no neurological department.’ She was later diagnosed with a low-grade Oligodendroglioma, which is a rare and incurable tumour, at the age of 30.

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